Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Cultural History and Theory


Here you can find the courses offered at the Department for Cultural History and Theory. You can also find information on courses offered by other institutions that are thematically related.

Catalogue of Courses in Cultural History and Theory

The courses of all degree programs in Cultural History and Theory [Lehrveranstaltungen der kulturwissenschaftlichen Studiengänge] can be accessed via AGNES, which is the online system for teaching and examination at HU. There you will also find information on the docents and their consultation hours.

Catalogue of Courses in History of Knowledge

The catalogue of courses in History of Knowledge [Vorlesungsverzeichnis Wissensgeschichte] combines current courses offered at FU, HU and TU that are related to the history of science or knowledge.  

Courses offered by students

All current project tutorials [Projektutorien] offered at HU Berlin are listed in AGNES. Current Q-tutorials [Q-Tutorien] are published by the blogna.lab. Detailed information on both programs can be found in the section on student teaching [Studentische Lehre].