Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Cultural History and Theory


Information on the institute’s secretaries is listed below. Here you can also inquire about the specific consultation hours of the secretaries.

Simone Damis

Raum 4.24, Georgenstr. 47
Consultation hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2 pm (every other week).

Christiane Gaedicke
Teaching and Research Area  „Cultural Techniques and History of Knowledge“ (Prof. Dr. Kassung)

Room 4.04, Georgenstr. 47
Consultation hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 2 pm (every other week).

Christine Schneider
Teaching and Research Area  „Cultural History of Knowledge“ (Prof. Dr. Schäffner)

Room 4.19, Georgenstr. 47
Consultation hours: Thursday 11 am – 4 pm

Yvonne Kult
Teaching and Research Area „Historical Anthropology and Gender Studies“ (Prof. Dr. Bruns)
Teaching and Research Area „Cultural History and Cultural History and Theory of Aesthetics“ (Prof. Dr. Därmann)

Room 4.35, Georgenstr. 47
Consultation hours: daily

Nadia Shamsan, Department Secretary
Teaching and Research Area „Cultural History“ (Prof. Dr. Philipp Felsch)

Room 4.28, Georgenstr. 47
Consultation hours: daily