Dear prospect Incoming students!
We very warmly welcome you at the Department of Cultural History and Theory at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin!
If you want to study at our department, your faculty/ institute at your home university needs to have a bilateral ERASMUS+ agreement with ours. If your home university does not have a cooperation with the Department of Cultural Theory and History so far, you may ask your International Office/ERASMUS+-Office if your home university is interested in establishing a new cooperation.
The complete application procedure is arranged by your home university. Once you have been nominated, we come into play.
We are looking forward to meeting you here in Berlin!
Infosession for Incoming Erasmus+ Students
Before the start of each semester, the Department’s Erasmus+ Office arranges an obligatory information session for all incoming students. We will give you all necessary information about how to study at the Department of Cultural Theory and History, and answer your questions. See you there!