Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Kulturwissenschaft

Course Selection

In your online application on “MoveON” as a Bachelor you are allowed to choose 2 subjects, whereas on a Master’s level you are only allowed to choose 1 subject. These subjects/this subject appear/s on your student ID, which you receive upon arrival/immatriculation here at Humboldt-Universität.

You do not need to take complete modules, but you may mix and match all courses within your field of study. You can also decide freely in which course you would like to take an exam.


For the complete course list at the Humboldt-University see:

To arrive at the courses of the Department of Cultural Theory and Hirstory follow: Vorlesungsverzeichnis > Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät > Institut für Kulturwissenschaft.|127079|122860&P.vx=kurz

Courses change every semester. The syllabus for the winter semester will be published in August and the one for the summer semester in March.